Saturday, September 17, 2011

Our week in review #3

It's here! If you read my post a few days ago, you know that my dear husband bought me an Excalibur 3900 dehydrator for my birthday.

It is a lot bigger than I expected it to be! Right now, it is sitting on my kitchen counter, but since I hate cluttered counters, I will probably be looking for a new location. (Don't pay attention to the phone charger and canning lids...I really need to work on my photography skills!)

Needless to say, I have been trying out my newest gadget, and I love it!  Here is a sampling of what I have done.

What you see are limes, sliced potatoes, cubed potatoes, apples, bell peppers, and lemons. I also dehydrated pears and bananas but they didn't make it to the photo shoot.

I also planted replanted the fall garden. Between the heat and the turkeys, the first planting didn't stand a chance. Realizing that it is getting late, I visited the local seed store and bought plants. I planted swiss chard, cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and kohlrabi. This fall garden is going to be an experiment. I've never planted a fall garden and have no idea if any of it will grow. The plants I bought were hybrids that require a shorter growing season, so I'm hoping that won't be an issue. I still need to plant the collards, spinach, and lettuce.

On a sad note, a hawk got one of our blue marans. I love free ranging our ladies, but there is often a price to pay.

The rest of my week was spent homeschooling, researching, and making much needed decisions that I will tell you about later. Until then....

happy homesteading!

This post is linked up with Homestead Revival's Preparedness Challenge


  1. Great job- I love the dehydrator too! I'm doing more sliced potatoes now, didn't think about cubing them- maybe I'll try that too. Aren't the apples beautiful! They look too nice to eat.

  2. I'm thinking that cubed potatoes would work better for soups and stews. How do you store your dehydrated foods? I have jars available now, but am considering mylar sealed bags. I have a vacuum sealer, but have never used it...shame on me!

  3. Lucky gal! I think I'll put an Excalibur on my Christmas wish list:)

  4. I am a dehydrating junkie! You need to check out this site. It is amazing!!!
    Good luck~ Melissa

  5. I got my Sausage Maker dehydrator for Christmas last year. I make our granola in it and yogurt and have dehydrated onions, various herbs, carrots, mushrooms, bananas, strawberries....I can't remember! I hope to do some potatoes and apples soon. Thanks for visiting over at Busy Hands Busy Minds!
